The Institute


Our story began 25 years ago with the creation of the Natura Crer Para Ver line, which is believed to transform the world through Education. All items in the line are sold by Natura Beauty Consultants, who, together with Natura, give up their profits.  All the money raised is invested in the country’s Education.

Natura Institute was born in 2010 to optimize Natura’s work with Education, and it is responsible for investing the resources raised in initiatives aimed at Education.

In 2020, we expanded to countries in Hispanic America. We have headquarters in Argentina, Chile and Mexico, and soon in Colombia and Peru, with the purpose and commitment to systemically improve the learning of children and youth of these countries. 

Over the years we connected to a great network of people who have the same dream. We unite efforts, hearts and minds in favor of a quality Education for all. And this resulted in many projects developed, partnerships established and beneficiaries impacted.


Creation of the Natura Crer Para Ver line in partnership with Abrinq Foundation.


Support to Chapada Project. Focused on the training of Elementary School teachers of the public network of Chapada da Diamantina (BA).


Creation of the Crer Para Ver Award. Recognizing Natura Beauty Consultants who are dedicated to the sale of the products of the line. 
PNBE (National School Library Policy) Citizenship Award as Best Education Project of the year.


Creation of the Consultants-Teachers Project. To sensitize them to discuss improving education. 


Implementation of the Representative Promoters Project. With the aim of promoting the Crer Para Ver in the network of Natura Consultants.


Crer Para Ver supports the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) campaign


Launch of the EJA Award, in partnership with MEC. To recognize good practices in schools in the country.
Support to Em Cada Saber, Um Jeito de Ser project. Which trained teachers in municipalities of the semi-arid Bahia.


Natura takes on the full management of Crer Para Ver. Ending the partnership with Abrinq Foundation.


Expansion of the Crer Para Ver work. From partnerships with the public sector and civil society organizations and priority focus on reading for Preschools. 
Support to the creation of the Instituto Chapada de Educação e Pesquisa (Icep) [Chapada Institute of Education and Research].


End of the EJA campaign. With the support of Natura Beauty Consultants and Schools, 162 thousand people went back to school.


Launch of the TRAILS Project. Which today is a collaborative digital training platform for literacy teachers aligned with the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC). 


Creation of Natura Institute. The Natura Institute takes over the management of the resources originated by the Natura Crer Para Ver line and strengthens Natura's operations in the area of education.
The Natura Crer Para Ver line completes 15 years. The line is re-launched with a new language.


The TRAILS project becomes public policy. Benefiting 72 thousand Brazilian schools in partnership with the Ministry of Education. 


The Natura Crer Para Ver line registers record fundraising in Brazil and Latin America
Approximation with the Learning Community subject. The Natura Institute is close to two institutions that are reference in the subject: Centro Especial de Investigación en Teorías y Prácticas Superadoras de Desigualdades (Crea), of the University of Barcelona, and Núcleo de Investigação e Ação Social e Educativa (Niase) [Research Center for Investigation and Social and Educational Action], of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).


Launch of the Digital School Platform. Offering thousands of digital resources to teachers, school managers and students. 
Launch of the Conviva Education Platform in partnership with Undime and other institutes of the third sector. It is a free management system for municipal education managers and their technical teams.
Creation and implementation of the Education Support Network (RAE). Which integrates projects and the community in the implementation of educational policies. 


1st Distance Learning (EAD) of the TRAILS Project. The project is approved to be part of the Technology Guide of the Ministry of Education.
Expansion of the Learning Communities project. After the pilot in two schools initiated in 2013 - together with the Municipal Education Department of Rio de Janeiro, the project benefited 172 schools in Brazil and 37 in Latin American countries (Peru, Mexico and Colombia).


Expansion of TRAILS Distance Learning. Totaling more than 2 thousand graduates.
Customization of the Digital School platform. Benefiting municipal and state education networks, which can customize the Digital Learning Objects (DOS) database to their curricula.


Launch of the Crer Para Ver Education platform. Educational trails and courses for the development of the Natura Beauty Consultants and their families.
Launch of the Digital School Distance Learning. Distance learning course of 40 hours for teachers and school managers.
Certification by institution recognized by MEC. The Distance Learning of TRAILS now has 40 hours and certification recognized by MEC.
Conviva Education launches the Management Memorial tool to support the transition in the Education Departments because of the elections.


About 90 thousand Natura Consultants participate in the Crer Para Ver Education Program. Support for in-person or distance learning undergraduate, graduate, language, technical and professional training courses, among others.
TRAILS Project is a finalist of the Retratos da Leitura [Reading Portraits] Award, promoted by PróLivro Institute (IPL).


More than 8.8 thousand educators take the new TRAILS Project course: Voice Reading by the Teacher (45 hours).
20 Partners states in the Digital School project and more than 15.5 thousand teachers involved.
Five years of Conviva Education, reaching the mark of 5 thousand municipalities registered on the Platform. Data from the INEP School Census are now integrated in the Platform.
Support in the implementation of Full-Time High School in 16 states. 


Support to Literacy Program. With the support of the Institute and partners, 5 Brazilian states launched literacy programs at the right age through collaboration with their municipalities. More than 500 thousand students were benefited. 
Natura Institute reviews its strategic planning. Focusing on its operation in four commitments: Literacy at the right age, Full-Time High School, Priority Education Agendas and Education and Mobilization of Natura Beauty Consultants. 


Natura Institute completes 10 years.
Crer Para Ver completes 25 years.