Natura Leaders
and Beauty

Natura Leaders
and Beauty

Why we work with
the Education and
Mobilization of
Natura Beauty

Since the beginning of our history, Business Leaders and Natura Beauty Consultants have played an essential role in supporting the Education cause. They promote and sell the products of the Natura Crer Para Ver line and, therefore, are the great enablers of the Natura Institute’s operation. 

In 2016, Natura applied the Human Development Index of the Natura Beauty Consultant (IDH CN) and identified that education and health were the most urgent issues for the network of consultants. As the Natura Institute has always worked with Education, we started a project focused on the education of the Natura Beauty Consultants.

In 2019, we applied the Functional Literacy Indicator (INAF) with Natura Leaders and Beauty Consultants. The objective of INAF is to measure the literacy level of the Brazilian population aged between 15 and 64, evaluating their reading, writing and mathematical skills and practices applied to everyday life. The results of the survey brought inputs to develop offers focused on improving the proficiency of our Consultants.

How we operate?

We offer Educational opportunities for Natura Beauty Leaders and Consultants and their families, with the main objective of fully developing this group, supporting the expansion of their world vision and enabling the autonomy of this network of women. 

The main dimensions of our operation are:

In addition to the integral development of Business Leaders and Natura Beauty Consultants, we work for their engagement and involvement with the Education cause, especially with literacy issues up to the age of 7 and Full-Time High School, two other commitments of the Natura Institute.

Integral development

The educational offers are available to all Natura Beauty Leaders and Consultants and one more person of their choice, for example, their son, niece, husband or wife and even a friend. They are available on the website

The Consultants also find several training trails created especially for them, in the Training area of the website and the Natura Consultancy application, in the category “Development for Life”. See the video access step by step:

Engagement with the
education cause

In 2020 we held the campaign #EuEscrevoEssaHistória [I Write This Story] with a powerful network of 177,532 thousand people and Natura Beauty Consultants from all over the country who signed our declaration in favor of literacy of all children at the right age. Exceeding the initial goal of 150 thousand signatures. I you still don’t know the campaign #EuEscrevoEssaHistória, access it here


Where are we?

All over Brazil. 99 thousand Consultants throughout the country used some of the Education benefits we offered in 2019.


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